Excite. Incentivise. Engage. Motivate. Entertain. Reward.
With Virtual events being the “new normal” for the time being, a regular client reached out to us and tasked us with creating a virtual wonder! The brief was to create and run a three month long incentive to increase sales and motivate teams. Usually there would be “A Trip Of A Lifetime” up for grabs at the end of three months hard work for this particular client, but obviously that just wasn’t possible this year. Instead, we had to create an incentive that would still motivate, excite and engage a huge sales team without the usual jet setting opportunities at the end of each business quarter.
How would this be possible you may well ask….?
We put our thinking caps on and created – THE BIG PRIZE HACK. Small teams were chosen and allocated internally with the first task to choose team names. Then monthly competitions were run for the sales teams to win a whole range of prizes, book their virtual event spots and major bragging rights! There was a scoreboard that was updated weekly within the bespoke virtual hub and microsite that kept everyone on their toes. We also sent out regular newsletters announcing the latest winners and revealing the next lot of prizes or special virtual event dates. The incentive worked amazingly well and the feedback was fantastic! Although virtual events aren’t for everyone and zoom doom is a real thing, a virtual option really is better than doing nothing for your teams or business. The virtual events allowed for team bonding and “face-to-face” conversations – even via screen time. A little competition brings people together and definitely gets results!
The huge range of virtual events, gift hampers & luxury prizes were one of the main pulling factors to get teams involved and motivated by this incentive. Just to give you a taster of what was included, we had….
- Live Stand Up with Russell Kane
- Bingo Bango
- Apple Watches
- Luxury Workout & Sports Gear
- Hot Tub home delivery
- Year long Gin subscription
- Virtual Night At The Races
- Cooking Classes with home deliveries
- Weekend Drinks Packages
- Home Cinema Weekend setup
- Travel Vouchers
- Cash Prizes
- Golden Ticket Winners
- Luxury Afternoon Tea delivery
- Mixology Masterclasses

“The pandemic presented us with a big challenge in terms of how to engage and incentivise hundreds of partner salespeople remotely and how to maintain the momentum that we had seen previously with our notable on-site presence and by running travel incentives (which were always incredibly popular and had provided excellent ROI.) FSE proved to be an invaluable partner as they helped us with the planning and execution of our SophosBigPrizeHack incentive. FSE came up with the idea of using an incentive microsite as a central part of the campaign and they gave us lots of creative ideas on how to maintain momentum and interest virtually during the 4 months of the incentive. They also helped us by hosting a series of virtual events which received great feedback, all culminating in an exciting and hilarious awards event hosted by Russell Kane. FSE’s creativity, ingenuity and professionalism helped us run a very successful incentive, which was great fun for our partner salespeople and provided a superb ROI for Sophos."
- Channel Account Manager